The Commission has jurisdiction to hear matters involving the payment of unpaid wages, superannuation contributions, or other types of leave entitlements.
The Commission is also responsible for the conciliation of Fair Work claims. Should a Fair Work Claim proceed to hearing, it will be heard in the Industrial Magistrates Court.
For further, more detailed, information regarding wage recovery, a Benchbook is available - Wage Recovery Processes in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission, Industrial Magistrates Court of Queensland, and Magistrates Court of Queensland.
A Fair Work Claim is a claim in relation to a civil remedy provision under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth), section 539(1) and (3).
A Fair Work Claim must be made within six years after the day on which the contravention occurred.
(contravention meaning: an action (e.g. an underpayment) that was not in compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth))
The following can make a claim for a Fair Work Claim:
Note: If you are an employee with the Queensland Government, a local government council in Queensland or a parents and citizens association, please go to unpaid wages tab.
To make a Fair Work Claim mentioned above, download and complete a Form 90 – Fair Work Claim.
A claim can be filed either with the Industrial Registry or a registry of a Magistrates Court. (see rule 123P of the Industrial Relations (Tribunals) Rules 2011).
The process for making a Fair Work Claim is outlined in this flowchart. National Employment standards can be found here (National Employment Standards - Fair Work Ombudsman).
If you choose to file a Form 90 at a Magistrates Court, you may do so at any of the 171 Magistrates Courts throughout Queensland and listed on the Queensland Courts website - All courthouses | Queensland Courts
If you choose to file a Form 90 at the Industrial Registry, you may do so via the following methods:
Email: | |
In person over the counter: | Industrial Registry Level 21, Central Plaza Two 66 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |
Post: | Industrial Registry GPO Box 373 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
Fax: | (07) 3221 6074 |
In most instances the Industrial Registry will communicate with you by email. If you have not provided an email address on your Form 90 then the Registry will be in contact with you requesting that you provide an email address. If you do not have an email address then the Registry will communicate with you by post.
The Commission may be able to assist you in recovering unpaid wages from your current or previous employer. This may include:
The Commission may order payment of the following:
The total amount on an unpaid wages application made to the Commission cannot exceed $100,000. If your application exceeds this amount, then you may be able to make an application to the Magistrates Court (Magistrates Courts in Queensland). Refer to Unpaid Amount Claim.
An application to recover unpaid wages must be made within six years after the amount claimed in the application became payable.
The following can make an application to the Commission to recover unpaid wages:
An application can be made by state system employees (employed by Queensland Government, a local government council in Queensland, or a parents and citizens association). National system or private sector employees may only use this process to recover unpaid long service leave.
How do I make an application?
Prior to making a formal application, you may wish to lodge a claim with Industrial Relations Regulation and Compliance (IRRC) within the Office of Industrial Relations who may use a comprehensive range of strategies (including informal dispute resolution and formal investigation) to encourage compliance with industrial relations laws, as well as enhance the awareness of the rights and obligations of employees and employers.
For further information, contact Industrial Relations Information Services Line on 07 3406 9999. You may also wish to view the IRRC's Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
For specific information regarding long service leave entitlements, or if you believe you have not been correctly paid your long service leave, you may wish to contact Industrial Relations Information Services on the above number. Further information about long service leave entitlements in Queensland can be found by following this link (which also includes a Long Service Leave Claim Form) - Long service leave in Queensland.
If you decide to proceed with a formal application in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission to recover unpaid wages, download and complete a Form 15 - Application to recover unpaid wages, superannuation contributions etc (Forms).
Form 15 can be filed at the Industrial Registry via the following methods:
Email: | |
In person over the counter: | Industrial Registry Level 21, Central Plaza Two 66 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |
Post: | Industrial Registry GPO Box 373 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
Fax: | (07) 3221 6074 |
In most instances the Industrial Registry will communicate with you by email. If you have not provided an email address on your Form 15 then the Registry will be in contact with you requesting that you provide an email address. If you do not have an email address then the Registry will communicate with you by post.
The process for an Unpaid Amount Claim is almost identical to the process for Fair Work Claims, however these claims are made directly to an Industrial Magistrates Court.
These claims are filed with the Industrial Magistrates Court (Magistrates Courts in Queensland ) and are made pursuant to the Industrial Relations Act 2016 in relation to:
An Unpaid Amount Claim must be made within six years after the amount claimed in the application became payable.
The process for making a Unpaid Amount Claim is outlined in this flowchart.
The following can make an Unpaid Amount Claim:
Note: If you are an employee with the Queensland Government, a local government council in Queensland, or a parents and citizens association, please go to Unpaid wages tab.
How do I make a claim
Prior to making a formal unpaid amount claim, you may wish to lodge a claim with Industrial Relations Regulation and Compliance (IRRC) within the Office of Industrial Relations who may use a comprehensive range of strategies (including informal dispute resolution and formal investigation) to encourage compliance with industrial relations laws, as well as enhance the awareness of the rights and obligations of employees and employers.
For further information, contact Industrial Relations Information Services Line on 07 3406 9999. You may also wish to view the IRRC's Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
For specific information regarding long service leave entitlements, or if you believe you have not been correctly paid your long service leave, you may wish to contact Industrial Relations Information Services on the above number. Further information about long service leave entitlements in Queensland can be found by following this link (which also includes a Long Service Leave Claim Form) - Long service leave in Queensland.
If you decide to proceed with a formal unpaid amount claim in the Industrial Magistrates Court, download and complete a Form 68 – Claim before an Industrial Magistrate (Forms).
An Unpaid Amount Claim is filed with a registry of a Magistrates Court ( Magistrates Courts in Queensland ).
To make an employment claim or to obtain further information, visit the Magistrates Court website.
If you have an entitlement to long service leave, and you are experiencing financial hardship, or you require extra funds due to unforeseen personal, family or other circumstances, you may be entitled to have your long service leave paid out in part, or in a lump sum. You should check with your employer or payroll department to see whether you are eligible.
You may also be entitled to receive a payment for the balance of any long service leave accrued on the termination of your employment. Please refer to 'Proportionate payment (pro-rata) of long service leave on termination of employment' below.
For a more detailed guide on making an application to the Commission for a payment of a long service leave entitlement download a copy of the Payment instead of taking long service leave application guide.
It costs nothing to make an application for payment of a long service leave.
Yes. If your application is granted, the lump sum payment is subject to the tax rates as set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Generally, your payroll department will deduct the amount and then deposit the money into your nominated bank account. If you are unsure how much tax will be deducted, please contact either the ATO or your payroll department.
To apply to have your long service leave paid out, download and complete a Form 13 – Application for payment instead of taking long service leave.
Form 13 can be filed at the Industrial Registry via the following methods:
Email: | |
In person over the counter: | Industrial Registry Level 21, Central Plaza Two 66 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |
Post: | Industrial Registry GPO Box 373 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
Fax: | (07) 3221 6074 |
In most instances the Industrial Registry will communicate with you by email. If you have not provided an email address on your Form 13 then the Registry will be in contact with you requesting that you provide an email address. If you do not have an email address then the Registry will communicate with you by post.
After your application is successfully filed the Registry will send you and your employer a directions order which sets out who needs to do what, and by when, for the application.
For more information about making an application see "Part 3: Applications" of the Payment instead of taking long service leave application guide.
There is no set definition for 'financial hardship' or 'compassionate' grounds. Generally, applicants who are entitled to access their Long Service Leave in this way, and who are experiencing difficult times, or financial hardship can apply to the Commission.
Applications are granted for various reasons, and some of the more common reasons can include:
If your reason for applying is because of financial hardship then you must attach evidence to the Form 13 that demonstrates your financial position – the list of income, expenditure, assets, is an effective way of quickly summing up your finances.
This depends on many factors including whether you have a valid application, the time it takes for both yourself and your employer to respond to the Directions Orders, and other unforeseeable delays. Generally, a valid application made without any delays can take up to four weeks until funds become available to you. These types of applications are generally dealt with by the Commission as a matter of priority. Once all the required material is received as per the Directions Orders, the Commission considers these quite quickly. You will be notified of the outcome of your application in a timely manner.
Once you have made an application you will receive a Directions Order. A Directions Order sets out who needs to do what and by when. An example of a Directions Order can be found in the guide: "Part 4: Directions Order" of the Payment instead of taking long service leave application guide.
Most applications are decided on the material that has been filed. However, in a few instances the Commission may wish to speak with you about your application to clarify some points or request further information. The hearings are usually informal and conducted over the phone.
For a more detailed guide on making an application to the commission, download a copy of the Payment instead of taking long service leave application guide.
If you are representing yourself in a hearing or conference before the Industrial Court or Commission, please refer to the "Fact Sheet - Tips for the Self Represented Litigant"
If your employment has been terminated, and you've completed the required period of service then you may be eligible to have your accrued long service leave paid out pro-rata in a lump sum.
Applications are granted for various reasons, and some of the more common reasons can include:
If you are unsure whether you qualify, you may make an application to the Commission. There is no fee associated with making the application.
It costs nothing to make an application for payment of pro-rata long service leave.
Yes. If your application is granted, the lump sum payment is subject to the tax rates as set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). If you are unsure how much tax will be deducted, please contact the ATO.
To apply to have your long service leave paid out, download and complete a Form 14 - Application for proportionate payment of long service leave.
Form 14 can be filed at the Industrial Registry via the following methods:
Email: | |
In person over the counter: | Industrial Registry Level 21, Central Plaza Two 66 Eagle Street Brisbane QLD 4000 |
Post: | Industrial Registry GPO Box 373 Brisbane QLD 4001 |
Fax: | (07) 3221 6074 |
In most instances the Industrial Registry will communicate with you by email. If you have not provided an email address on your Form 14 then the Registry will be in contact with you requesting that you provide an email address. If you do not have an email address then the Registry will communicate with you by post.